Part 7: Trying the diplomatic route
After careful analysis of the proposed names and going by democratic and creative principles; the creatures are to be named thus:![](1-AnimalRoundup.png)
And the planet is dubbed:
Now, before we go back to the Ghebraant, did any of you notice anything odd in the star system last update?
That's right; there's another fleet in the immediate vicinity! It's pretty rare to see a ship so close to a planet - usually they stick out like sore thumbs. Let's see who it is, shall we?
Sweet! I was meaning to meet up you guys - I have some pressing questions to ask you...
After some brief trade and buttering up, we can finally go through the earlier requests of what to ask the good Vantu Commander.
Presumably a clue to as the Deresta quest. You pick up what you should be asking the different species by simply talking and being on good terms.
Well, there we have it - the Vantu quest has now been started - their thing is a mite more complicated than the Deresta's request - and also requires a bit more before before we can tackle it, such as - where in the sector are these prisoners? That'll be our next question when we see these guys next. In the meantime, we're running low on gas. Let's head off to the last outpost to pick some more up and then go exploring a bit more, shall we?
Wow. That reminds me of that a sculpture I once saw of Aurora Borealis. Except much smokier.
After a brief talk and donation to Hawking, let's see what the announcement board's got to say:
Well, I hope the Gheb appreciate the goods I'll be giving to them, AT A LOSS, soon. I'mma go have a drink, first.
WHAT THE HELL. Are you - are you fucking stalking me, boyo? You know, I came here hoping to relax a wee bit. And I cannae really do that when people are out there, discovering planets and finding species that I want to name!
Back to Hive IV!
Unfortunately, no Ghebs in ships are willing to talk turkey with us, so we need to go find us a city to make a loss at.
I really hope these guys appreciate all I do for them.
After making several, several, several attempts at gettiong these guys to talk (including giving them stuff for free...), FINALLY we get some more info out of them.
Yep, that's the quest for these guys - you need to discover a new planet in the Thule sector which matches their requirements stated above, so that they'll all shift from their current location and presumably strip-mine it as they've done for this planet until they're back to the stage they were at.
Oh! And if you've discovered this planet that matches these requirements BEFORE you start this quest, there's absolutely no way you can complete this mission.
Game-testing? What's that?
But now the Ghebraant will actually speak with us, so if you have anything you'd want to Hive-mind's opinion on, just let me know, and I'll ask next time I bump into them. If you'll excuse me, I need to vacate myself from these premises before I start going on a shooting rampage.
Ugh... I'mma go pick up some more fuel - FOR FREE - and then go see about trying to do this stuff for the Ghebraant... or the Vantu... Or maybe even th-
Yep, this is the final species we need to ally ourselves with in the game. As you may have expected, they begin negotiations by opening fire on you.
This bodes well!
I'll deal with this guy as best I can for now; no-one opens fire on Commander Samovar and gets away with it! And since it's only one ship, this will NOT be a challenge; they Kaynik are harder than pirates, but weaker than the Skeetch
...but while I'm doing that - can any of you goons guess how we are supposed to ally ourselves with these guys if the first thing they do is go in, guns blazing?
Oh yeah, after slaughtering an entire crew of aliens we're SUPPOSED to be allying with, we also stole all their ship equipment. And most of it was Type III, so we've upgraded our ship for free, and made considerable bank from our now out-classed systems.
Well, as far a first contacts go, that COULD have gone a wee bitty better. To Freehaven!
Wow. And I thought Yikkak wisnae the best looking of people. Ah well - you don't mind me selling this stuff I obtained through the blood of yer fellow Kaynik? No? Thanks!
After selling our remaining cargo, we're left with a whopping 82,428 credits. Time to live it large, mates. Let's head to the loun-
Wait, is he going to be here...?
Oh thank heavens.
Without Dodel, there's nowt really to do here, except lie back, listen to some kickin' tunes and watch the starships fly by...
...I'm bored now.
I've got the wanderlust on me again; a need to explore new places - to see what this sector's got for us! Let's try...
Now THIS is a pretty interesting find - a whole bunch of planets like this around one star isn't that common. What do we have here...
The Deresta live on this place - seems a bit hot for their liking, I'd have thought...
The Kaynik live on this planet. Well, I guess they moved here after the Deresta moved to the other planet. Easier pickings.
The Ghebraant live here. HEY! Why can't you guys just go ahead and work with this planet? What, you need to hegemonise the whole sector?
That last place'll be needing a name, so suggestions would be welcome, like. But there was something about that fourth planet that I think merits a closer look...
Crowded life? On a place whose atmosphere consists of heavy gases? With thick, chemical pools? Poor mineral supplies, and what minerals being available being highly radioactive? What... precisely is life going to look like on this planet?
Well, let's find out.
![](53-Life3.gif) answer our question - very, very unusual. At least going by the minor scans.
Let's see what the Linquist has to say about all this, along with that other animal we managed to snatch from thon Kaynik wanna-be pirate.
This... exceptionally odd creature comes from the Kaynik homeworld - aliens usually carry one of their indigenous non-sentient life-forms on their ships, which you can obtain through trade (or killing them all).
How would tripodal locomotion even work with that thing?
I see Cthulhu made contact with this planet, anyway.
Oh. So a giant, prokaryotic flying jellyfish. Well, they certainly tried for some weird-looking creautres on this planet. What about the la-
Welp. You guys got any suggestions for names while I go get Hawkings approval for nuclear orbital bombardment?